Tailor-made sollutions and space for your research

We offer

Under one roof at HiLASE Centre we develop the next generation of high power Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers, while at the same time, exploit these unique light sources for a wide range of hi-tech industrial applications such as Laser Shock Peening, Laser Induced Damage Threshold testing, and Laser Micro-Machining.

Our vision: “To become one of the respected leaders defining the trends in high power laser applications. To be the first-choice R&D partner for companies and research organizations seeking innovative laser technologies and solutions, on the Earth and beyond…”

HiLASE Centre technologies change established practices in a range of industries from optics, electronics and new materials to medical applications. HiLASE Centre helps companies to address their needs and challenges in an innovative way using unique laser technologies. It offers the most powerful high-end technology for everyday industrial usage.

Read the HiLASE Centre research T&Cs.