Our colleagues Sunil Pathak and Jagdheesh Radhakrishnan have recently have their paper on In-Process Monitoring of Laser Surface Modification published in the MDPI journal Coatings.
The laser cleaning process has the potential to become an alternative to the existing chemical-based cleaning process if integrated with an effective in-process monitoring system that could serve as a control mechanism over surface damages or contaminants through which the desired surface cleanliness could be achieved. This paper presents results of an investigation into the characteristics and viability of utilizing probe beam reflection and laser plume-emission spectroscopy as respective integrated monitoring systems during and after cleaning of titanium alloy sheets using a frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser. The results present the probe beam reflection as a better system with the ability to differentiate between cleaned and un-cleaned surfaces for both small and large surface areas.
Do you want to learn more? Here you can find the whole article.