Surface thermomechanical processing of components for Molten Salt Reac...
The HiLASE Centre is one of the project’s investigators focused on developing...
“ATLANTIC” means Advanced theoretical network for modeling light matter...
RIANA (Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechno...
HiLASE Centre is participating in the Horizon Europe project titled RIANA (Research...
Advanced optics for the application of ultrashort laser pulses in the...
Project Annotation: The project is implemented within a consortium consisting of 4 m...
Breakthrough Laser Technologies for Smart Manufacturing, Space and Bio...
Project Annotation: The LasApp project focuses on advancing existing state-of-the-ar...
Compact optical hyperspectral camera FREYA for CubeSat missions
The HiLASE Centre is one of the partners of a new project focused on the development...
National centre of competence for Materials, Advanced Technologies, Co...
The objectives of the MATCA 2 project build on the results and objectives of the ori...
Tensometric thin-film sensors with high sensitivity and durability pre...
The HiLASE Centre is a proud partner of the new Tensometric thin-film sensors with h...
Development of a unique femtosecond laser source | femtoLASER
In January 2023, the HiLASE Centre (FZU – Institute of Physics of the Czech Ac...
Laser Improved Novel Surface Engineering and Repair of Tools
In January 2023, the HiLASE Centre started a new project called “Laser Improve...
Development of a modular series of robotic stations for LSP
The HiLASE Centre has received funding for a new project focused on Laser Shock Peen...
Short-wave infrared high power laser for long-distance satellite commu...
In August of 2022, the HiLASE Centre started collaborating on a new project by the c...
The HiLASE Centre is delighted to be a part of ReMade@ARI (REcycable MAterials DEvel...
Joint GACR-DFG project: Synthesis of high-entropy alloy nanoparticles by pulsed lase...
The HiLASE Centre as a part of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Scie...
Breakthrough optoelectronic materials for instrumentation The basic goal of the proj...
The HiLASE Centre is an active partner in the “DOLASTOOL” project. The DOLASTOOL pro...
The HiLASE Centre has been granted a 6-year project entitled “Advanced designing of...
The HiLASE centre has taken an active part in the “ATLANTIC” project of the Europea...
HiLASE centre is a proud partner of the iQonic project that focuses on Innovative st...
HiLASE Centre of Excellence
The Czech Republic has already invested €32M of EU structural and national funding i...