5th BIATRI workshop 2023 Advanced designing of functional materials: From mono- to BI- and TRI-chromatic excitation with tailored laser pulses

Welcome to the 5th BIATRI workshop!

We are happy to announce the 5th BIATRI Workshop will be held on April 17th-18th 2023. The detailed program is available HERE.

BIATRI workshop is aimed at sharing experience and best practices in theoretical methods and experimental diagnostics for the identification and characterization of laser-induced processes in condensed matter and their consequences as well as in the exploitation of the research results. 

In this meeting we invite our collaborators to an open discussion on the current “BIATRI” project progress and future prospects in the field of laser-matter interaction.

During the two days of the workshop, we wish to:

  • present our achievements and works under development,
  • become acquainted with recent theoretical and experimental works of our collaborators,
  • share our opinions on the topical problems in the field,
  • elaborate strategy for future collaboration.

The Workshop will be held at the HiLASE Centre and on-line. There will be no participation fees.

The list of invited speakers who confirmed their participation at the workshop you can find HERE.

In case of any questions related to the workshop (updates of talks/availability, cancellation, registration, …) we kindly ask you to contact Dr. Thibault Derrien

The scientific organizing committee is composed of: 

The BIATRI project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic (project BIATRI, No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/00004). 

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