Effectiveness of manufacturing using digitalisation, automation and AI B4I

We would like to invite you to an event on the topic of the Effectiveness of manufacturing using digitalisation, automation and AI organised by the Brain4Industry consortium, which the HiLASE Centre is a part of. The event will consist of three talks and a panel discussion. It will take place on Thursday the 27th of April 2023, from 3pm to 5:30pm at the Magenta Experience Center.


The event was designed to give participants answers to their questions about digitalisation, automation and AI. Case studies showing the effectivity of the right implementation of technology will serve to further illustrate this.

You can look forward to the following talks:

  • Digital transformation strategy and organisation readiness (Ondřej Kurkin, CEO of CARDAM s.r.o.)
  • Reasons to digitalise the manufacturing process (Jakub Beneš, Brain4Industry coordinator)
  • AI – how to implement it and sell it to the team, how to think about the topic, strategy, numbers and examples (Pavel Wimmer, CEO, Founder, DNAI, s.r.o)

A panel discussion on the topic of Human resources are the alpha and omega of success will follow. After the second to last contribution, which will focus on the involvement of people and their motivations in digitalisation, automation and AI, the event will be concluded with a half-hour networking session.

The Brain4Industry consortium, which organises the event, serves as support to increase the competitiveness of organisations by implementing digitalisation and new technology. Aside from the HiLASE Centre, its members are also the Institute of Physics of the CAS, CARDAM, STAR Research and Innovation Cluster, the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre, and the Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS.

Find more information about the event HERE (CZ).
Language: CZ