Laser Safety Officer training completed by another group of candidates

On 22 – 24 September 2021, a three-day training course for Laser Safety Officers was held at the HiLASE Centre. The lecturers were laser safety experts of HiLASE and ELI Beamlines laser centres Helena Vohníková and Marek Bizdra.

In the first theoretical part of the training, a group of participants listened to an explanation of laser safety. The main topics of the lectures were legal regulations concerning laser safety, laser effects on human health, classification of protective equipment and risk assessment. This was followed by practical calculations, laser demonstrations and there were also popular examples of accidents and near misses from the trainers’ practice and from abroad. The training also included excursions to the laser laboratories of both centres, where participants had the opportunity to see the application of safety measures directly in a real working environment.

At the end of the training, the participants took a test of their newly acquired knowledge, on the basis of which they received an LSO certificate.

If you or your company are interested in this training, please contact us at or keep an eye on the Events section of our website, where we regularly update seminar dates.