Seminář: Fluoride single crystals for photonics

Zveme vás na seminář Dr. Hiroki Tanaky z berlínského Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung na téma Fluoride single crystals for photonics, který se uskuteční v Centru HiLASE (v anglickém jazyce).

KDY: středa 11. října 2023
KDE: Seminární místnost PERLA, Centrum HiLASE


Fluoride single crystals are frequently the preferred choice for photonics applications due to their exceptionally high transparency in both the ultraviolet and mid-infrared spectral regions, as well as their lower phonon energies compared to oxide materials. Emerging domains such as laser cooling of solids via anti-Stokes fluorescence, the development of solid-state lasers directly emitting within the visible spectral range, and the vacuum UV nonlinear optics demand fluoride crystals that deliver outstanding performance. However, the growth of fluoride crystals remains a technical challenge, and crystals with the desired qualities are often unavailable. In this presentation, I will highlight recent interdisciplinary research efforts including fluoride single crystal growth and the aforementioned applications in photonics. This research has been conducted at the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ, Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth), a unique institution combining its expertise in bulk crystal growth and application-oriented research including lasers and photonics.